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Quote of the Day
13 steps for small business web site success
M4C is so confident in making your business succeed online with our SEO services that we will tell you the blueprint we use to accomplish quality and quantity traffic for your business.
...What business are you in?
Why are you building a site? What are your goals in a site? What services
can you offer your potential customers? The railroads at the turn of the
century went OUT OF BUSINESS because they were in the transportation business
and they thought they were in the railroad business. Decide WHO you are
targeting, WHY you are targeting, and HOW you will target them. Then decide
WHAT unique services you can offer your potential customers.
...What do you do and why?
Write a solid, splendiferous, standout, state-of-the-art, stunning description
sentence, paragraph, or essay about your business. Establish your industry
"buzzwords", and pertinent keywords that relate to your company.
Poll a few people and BRAINSTORM. Your description and marketing copy
will be very important later, but just think of IDEAS to start with. You
generate a the BEST idea unless you have a lot of them to choose from
and compare to.
...Who is the competition?
Find out who else in your industry is online, and who is succeeding. Check
out all the keywords from your brainstorming and reference them at Wordtracker.com
Then go to Google and search your butt off! Find out who is holding your
keywords and which ones you can likely capture. This is where you will
truely reveal an AVAILABLE TARGET MARKET online. See who is doing it,
and find out how to do it better!
...What is the best way to categorize your information?
Down to the Nitty Gritty. No turning back now. You're in it for the long
haul. Call your spouse and tell them you will be home late......You're
workin' on the site. Your site MUST be divided into a logical and easily
navigated manner. You have to think WELL into the future to make your
site scalable enough that you don't have to do a major site overhaul everytime
you add something new. You should finalize two solid, splendiferous, standout,
state-of-the-art, stunning descriptive sentences, that can be chopped
down to one should the case arrive. Try to encompass your MOST IMPORTANT
and COMPETITIVE keyword phrases. This step is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT.
Logical structure and proper keyword phrases in link text (links at the
bottom of the page) is CRITICAL in obtaining and retaining visitors. Let
me say again......spend a lot of time on this. Study the ZEN
of STRUCTURE here.
...Why do websites fail?
The biggest misconception in building a website is that they will automatically
generate money. If you believe the get rich quick schemes about making
a website I have a bridge I'd like you to take a look at that I'll probably
let go of cheap. Sites fail because people think it is EASY to make money
on the internet. The truth is: CONTENT IS KING!, and just as in the "real
world" those who are willing to provide quality products and services
will succeed. BUILD YOUR CONTENT. Try to add something new everyday and
chisel away at it. You will have a ton of content in no time with strong
dedication. A stagnating website will not draw and retain customers. Keep
your site up-to-date and informative, and give your visitors VALUE.
...What do you want to be known for?
You probably already have one, so I might rant about this another day.
Don't skimp on registration. Register your domain for AT LEAST 5 years
so you don't run into problems. You don't want to lose your hard-earned
established name due to technical difficulties. Make sure that YOUR NAME
gets put on the Administrative contact for WHOIS information** so that
if there is ever a problem there is no doubt to the fact that YOU own
that domain name.
**WHOIS is the database that stores all domain name information regarding ownership. Some "shifty" webhosts will register your domain with themselves as the admin contact.
Steps 7 - 13 for small business web site success
Check out our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services